Soaring Stories

“Valeri helped me put my own business first… and if I put my energy into my business, that is going to serve my clients as well.”

Lisa Chicules,
Lisa Chicules Consulting

“Now, I do 50% less work and I make 100% more money.”

Chris Graham

“We built out specific business development ideas. She holds me accountable on each call. She has gotten me comfortable in thinking about business development, and building my confidence up again.”

Jamie Keenan
Wealth Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager, BMO Nesbitt Burns

“It was time to step away from being responsible for everything in the business. Valeri helped me bring in systems and technology. Now I have my life back!”

Nicole Meltzer
Co-creator, Balanced Body Mind Spirit Founder & Director, Balanced U Academy

“Before working with Valeri I was Chief Bottleneck. Now we’re ready to move to more virtual work where my team will work off-site and we’ll be networked through common systems and a project management hub.”

Randal Boutilier
Principal, Creative Director, 12Thirteen Design

“We went from things in my head and on different spreadsheets to a series of systems and processes that allowed me to see my business more clearly than I ever had before.”

Cathy Mann
Owner, Cathy Mann & Associates

“My business today is completely different. I have an office, clients and I’m making the money that I want to make. None of it would have happened if I hadn’t done the work with Valeri.”

Janine Harris
Owner & Executive Producer, Keyring Media

Want to have a Clarity Call with me?

Tell me where your business is hitting turbulence and let’s chat about how I can help you get your business positioned for smooth sailing.


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