Design your agency to run without you.
Leadership Coaching that breaks open bottlenecks to boost profitability and potential.
It's time to stop doing and start leading.
Imagine running your business with complete ease. Focus. Harmony. Flow. Alignment.
...and way less chaos and overwhelm.
A business where you’re in your brilliance every single day.
We’re talking breaking unhelpful habits, delegating boring tasks, and developing the signature system that will make your offerings feel amazing to deliver.
A business that's built to soar.
Say hello to an agency that runs like a well-oiled machine without burning you out!
Because what protects your energy – like offloading all that busy work – protects the work you love to do.
Freeing you to be in your brilliance with ease and elegance.
So you can DO less, and BE more.
“Valeri helped me put my own business first… and if I put my energy into my business, that is going to serve my clients as well.”
Lisa Chicules
Lisa Chicules Consulting
“Now, I do 50% less work and I make 100% more money.”
Chris Graham
“We built out specific business development ideas. She holds me accountable on each call. She has gotten me comfortable in thinking about business development, and building my confidence up again.”
Jamie Keenan
Wealth Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager, BMO Nesbitt Burns
“It was time to step away from being responsible for everything in the business. Valeri helped me bring in systems and technology. Now I have my life back!”
Nicole Meltzer
Co-creator, Balanced Body Mind Spirit Founder & Director, Balanced U Academy
“Before working with Valeri I was Chief Bottleneck. Now we’re ready to move to more virtual work where my team will work off-site and we’ll be networked through common systems and a project management hub.”
Randal Boutilier
Principal, Creative Director, 12Thirteen Design
“We went from things in my head and on different spreadsheets to a series of systems and processes that allowed me to see my business more clearly than I ever had before.”
Cathy Mann
Owner, Cathy Mann & Associates
“My business today is completely different. I have an office, clients and I’m making the money that I want to make. None of it would have happened if I hadn’t done the work with Valeri.”
Janine Harris
Owner & Executive Producer, Keyring Media
If you’re hiding out in the ‘weeds’, headed toward burnout - it’s actually time to play bigger – not busier.
Maybe you’re used to having the "DIY Habit", the “Work Harder Ethic," and the “Self-Doubt Spin-Out” pushed on you as “musts” and “shoulds"?
When really they just amplify your fear of letting go of control, delegating, or ever stepping away from client delivery!
This path to burnout is more than an operational problem. You're getting in your own way.

I’m Valeri Hall Little, a Certified Business and Leadership Coach
I love elegant business design.
But even more than that? I love watching agency owners stop DOING and start BEING.
You know what I’ve found in my 20 years of supporting entrepreneurs?
WE are our biggest distractions.
We get lost in tools and tips that are supposed to make doing our work easier, but instead send us down a rabbit hole, syphoning our time and brilliance as the business owner.
These tools give us a false sense of productivity while the important things still don’t get done.
Getting caught in this grind will sink your business.
If you want to avoid burnout, you must stay focused on only the important things.
And focus is a muscle.
I’m here to guide you through practical decisions and systems that empower you as a leader and transform your agency into a well-oiled machine you LOVE to run!
It isn’t just about the work that’s right in front of you, it’s about staying true to what you’re trying to achieve long term.
So that you can GROW without working 24/7, without building a big team, and without (believe it or not) scaling beyond recognition of the business you loved.
Here, you scale down... and soar UP!

My core purpose is to help you rethink the way you work, to find simplicity and ease so you may be proud of the person you are, the work you do, and the difference you make.

Book a Clarity Call with Valeri
There are no rewards for making your work hard and unpleasant. Let's talk about your next steps toward an easier way of working.

Attend a Planning Retreat
Reflect. Reset. Refocus. Intentionally map out the next steps to achieving your goals, inside and outside of your business.

Join The Agency Accelerator
The SkyHigh Collective is THE place to grow a purposeful and profitable business without losing touch with the work you love most.
Leave the grind behind. Fuel your productivity with focus instead of friction and fully step into enjoyable business growth.