How to stop doing everything in your business
“If I want something done right, I’ll do it myself.” These words may have become the mantra for running your business, and may have become your belief system. You want things done your way and you believe it will take you longer to tell someone how to do it than if you just did it…
Read MoreWhy it’s okay to have a messy business
Has your business ever felt so messy you wanted to hide from it? Literally. The shut the laptop and run for cover kind of hiding. You are not alone. I’ve been there, my clients have been there and practically every business owner I’ve meet has been there. Face it, business can get messy, even at…
Read MoreHow to prepare your business for the climb
Does your business sometimes feel like an uphill climb? Similar to riding your bike in the wrong gear? That’s what I experienced the other day while I was out on a bike ride. I was on some pretty steep hills and I thought of you and how hard running your business can be. This is…
Read MoreHow to welcome clients into your business
How do you welcome clients into your business? The reason I ask is because this came up recently when I was working with a client to design and systematize her client onboarding process. She asked me a very interesting question, which I’ll share with you in this video. The way you make your clients feel…
Read MoreMy secret to creating an Operations Playbook
When you think of having standard operating procedures in your business, do you think of a dusty binder sitting on a shelf that nobody looks at? Or perhaps you know it’s something your business needs, but have no idea how to start, so you procrastinate and continue to keep all the operational details stuck in…
Read MoreIs your business built to SOAR™?
The other day a client said to me, “Valeri, some days operating my business feels like I’m running in mud!” That image stuck with me, and I thought about how true it is. Sometimes running your business can be a chore. If you are feeling frazzled and frustrated by your business, let’s make a change.…
Read MoreHow to be less available in your business
What I’m going to share with you may seem counter-intuitive to you and even impossible. You may say to yourself, “Valeri, being less accessible to the outside world is crazy. I have clients who require my attention, prospects that may disappear if I don’t respond immediately, and people who just plain need me.” I get…
Read MoreWhen to streamline your business
Have you ever said to yourself, “When is the best time to streamline the back-end of my business so it can grow, thrive and scale?” This may seem like an easy question to answer, but I assure you it has many moving parts. I’ll give you my perspective in this video; however, the real answer…
Read MoreDo this if you want to scale your business
You do so much in your business. In many ways it’s an extension of you. It’s always with you and even in your off-time (is there such a thing?) your mind can’t help but wander to it. I was exactly the same the way until I learned a lesson that changed everything. It happened when…
Read MoreWant to have a Clarity Call with me?
Tell me where your business is hitting turbulence and let’s chat about how I can help you get your business positioned for smooth sailing.