The secret power of gratitude

I was organizing my office and came across my gratitude journal.

When I purchased it, I was committed to starting and ending my day with gratitude.

I’d read the research that showed people who are grateful are less stressed, experience healthier relationships, and do better professionally.

So imagine my surprise when I opened my gratitude journal to see the last entry was July 23, 2020.

That stopped me in my tracks. I realized that ...

Gratitude had stopped being intentional and had become an afterthought.

And so I brought it back into the limelight and made it a priority. Only this time with a twist.

Instead of the journaling on my own, I now practice gratitude in community with fellow business owners in my Power Hour, which I host for my private clients every week.

Part of the flow of the gathering is expressing three things for which we are grateful for right now ... and three things that would make the week wonderful.

What is most meaningful is this ... I love looking back at my Power Hour journal sheets, to reflect on the people, places, things and experiences for which I expressed gratitude.

These expressions of gratitude have become a story that is unfolding.

And that’s when the secret power of gratitude made its appearance.

It’s being thankful for the everyday gestures, experiences, people and places in your life. It’s pulling these into the limelight and allowing the joyful energy to spill out and work its magic on your mindset.

Here are a few of my everyday gratitude themes from my journal sheets.

I am grateful for …

  • My health, always.
  • The health and wellness of those around me.
  • Beautiful sunny days and the time to enjoy them.
  • My loving and supportive family and friends.
  • Living in this beautiful country.
  • The energy to get on my bike and move my body.
  • My warm, comfortable home in which to relax and cocoon.
  • My business BFFs who have been there for me and shown me I’m not alone on my entrepreneurial journey.
  • Working with the most amazing clients who are stepping into their power and having the courage to change the way they work.
  • My behind-the-scenes team who take care of my business and make it hum.

As you head into the week, I invite you to unlock the secret power of gratitude by considering this question …

What are you grateful for today?