Do this when your business grinds you down
I’ll bet you started your business because you were passionate about doing that thing you do. Your business was a channel to bring your talent to the world, while increasing your income and impact.
Me too.
What we weren’t told was that running our own show also came with a bunch of back-end busywork that no entrepreneur likes to do … especially those mundane administrative tasks.
When you spend a lot of your day tending to those types of TO DOs, your energy takes a nosedive. You feel depleted and wonder how you can move your business forward when you are constantly interrupted and distracted by the minutiae.
In this video, I’ll show you an easy first step that will take you away from the grindwork. Consider this your escape hatch. I want to share this with you because doing this one thing has helped me and my clients reclaim our passion for what we do and reminds us of why we do it.
I know it will help you too.
Passion is the ultimate cure for burnout