How to prepare your business for the climb

Does your business sometimes feel like an uphill climb? Similar to riding your bike in the wrong gear? That’s what I experienced the other day while I was out on a bike ride. I was on some pretty steep hills and I thought of you and how hard running your business can be.

This is what I know for sure:

If you don’t prepare for the growth that has come, then the busy times will feel like going up a hill in the hardest gear.

You’ll feel like you’re pedaling as fast as you can, but you don’t seem to be getting the traction or speed you need to support that rapid growth.

Watch this video where I’ll encourage you to think a little differently about how to prepare your business so you can sit back, relax and actually enjoy the climb.

If you don’t prepare for the growth that has come, then the busy times will feel like going up a hill in the hardest gear.